Thursday, April 22, 2010

French Angora Rabbits for sale

These pictures don't really show the colors well. There are two blacks, one blue, and one grey colored, and also the chocolate one at the top of the page is for sale.


Shari said...

Hi! I just found you via Cold Antler Farms' blog -- noticed you are in Michigan (me too! Near Birch Run) and decided to check out your blog.
I didn't get more than 2 blog posts in and I can tell we have some similar interests. I'm gonna keep looking at your blog, but I see you have rabbits for sell. How much do you sell them for? I've been considering getting a couple of fiber rabbits but am completely green. I know nothing (except for the rabbit book I got for Christmas) and am looking to learn.

The Sheepy Lady said...

hi I was wondering how much do you sale your rabbits for? I am loooking for a french angora

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